Diary of Services
Please click on the appropriate service to see the venue.
Church Services are held at All Saints Church Kings Bromley, St Peter Church Yoxall, St Michael and All Angels Hamstall Ridware & St Nicholas Church Mavesyn Ridware.
Mid week services are held on:
Yoxall: Every Wednesday at 10am for 30 minutes.
Kings Bromley: every Thursday at 10am for 30 minutes.
Occasionally this pattern varies. therefore please check with the service calendar on the relevant parish homepage.
What kind of service is it ?
Book of Common Prayer Communion
- This is a service of Holy Communion, according to the Book of Common Prayer (1662).
- The Book of Common Prayer came into existence during the middle of the 16th century and, in response to national circumstances, it underwent several revisions (1549 and 1552). The version we use now, dates to the 17th century.
- The prayers and liturgy reflect 16th century. Clearly the language is different, but over the centuries many have found that the older English lends a particular and welcoming ‘rhythm’ to the service.
- This service does not include any hymns, and is usually finished within 40 minutes.
Holy Communion - Sometimes called Parish Eucharist
- This is a service of Holy Communion, according to Common Worship (2000).
- The liturgy is written in a way that is easier to understand.
- There are hymns sung and bible readings, and at several churches a robed choir.
- As a Holy Communion service there is also the opportunity to receive the consecrated bread and wine. We believe that this becomes the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- If you have any questions with regard to receiving the sacrament, please speak to the local priest at an opportune time.
- The service lasts about 1 hour 10 minutes.
Said Communion - held on Wednesdays and Thursdays
- This is a shortened and less formal version of Holy Communion.
- The service lasts for about 30 minutes, and quite often members of the congregation stay on to enjoy some refreshments.
- This service does not include any hymns, and is usually finished within 30 minutes,
Evening Service - held on Sundays (4pm Oct- Apr, 6pm May- Sept)
- Whilst the service will usually last about 30 minutes, the intention is for there to be some variety.
- Possible options: said Holy Communion or BCP Evening Prayer or Celtic prayer or Taize prayer or Evensong – or something else.
- There are lots of ways to praise God, so lets hear of some ideas !