Service Times
Regular Services at St Peter’s church
For details of services and other events in forthcoming weeks, please see the notices or the Fisherman Magazine.
Sunday mornings
10.30am Parish Communion
Every Sunday with the church choir once a month and the service usually lasts for about an hour. Modern, informal worship intended for adults and children alike. Babies and children are very welcome, as is the noise they inevitably bring!
Refreshments are served in the church after the service.
Children are very welcome at all services. There is a special room with toys and books for children at the back of the church (first room on your right as you enter the Church) A church warden will be happy to direct you. Older children can take part in the service if they wish.
Special services
Several times a year there are key services such as: –
Passover on Maundy Thursday
Easter Vigil on Easter Eve walk to Jerusalem Hill on the outskirts of the village.
Thanksgiving for the Departed at the end of October
Remembrance Day
Crib Christingle
Carol Service, Midnight Mass
Carol Singing around the Village supported by members of the Salvation Army Band