Catch up here!

If you’ve missed a session, or would like to know more about the content, you can catch up here. The videos used in each Alpha meeting, and the questions we discuss will be posted here each week.

Tuesday 16th January.

Session 1: Is there more to life than this?

We looked at:

  • How and why did you come to Alpha?
  • Where do you go when you are faced with life’s big questions?
  • What makes you happy?
  • If it turned out that God existed and you could ask one question, what would it be?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week?

Tuesday 23rd January.

Session 2: Who is Jesus?

We looked at the historical evidence for Jesus. And talked around these questions:

  • Who is Jesus to you?
  • Do you think Jesus rose from the dead?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week?

Tuesday 30th January.

Session 3: Why did Jesus die?

We looked at the historical evidence for Jesus. And talked around these questions:

  • What is forgiveness?
  • Have you ever had to forgive anyone ?
  • How did you do it ?
  • has anyone ever forgiven you ?
  • What do you think about the idea of God’s forgiveness?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week?

Tuesday 6th February.

Session 4: How can I have faith ?

We talked around these questions:

  • What does faith mean to you ?
  • How do you feel about the idea that the Christian faith is a personal relationship with God ?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week

Tuesday 13th February.

Session 5: Why and how do I pray ?

We talked around these questions:

  • Have you ever tried praying ?   How did it go?
  • What do you think about the idea that God answers prayers ?
  • How do you pray ?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week ?

Tuesday 20th February.

Session 6: How and why should I read the bible ?

We talked around these questions:

  • Do you think the bible has any purpose today
  • have you ever tried reading the bible ?  How did you find its ?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week ?

Tuesday 27th February.

Session 7: How does God guide us ?

We talked around these questions:

  • Where do you go for guidance ?

If you’d like to talk over questions like this, why not come next week ?

Tuesday 5th March.

Session 8: Who is the Holy Spirit?


Saturday 9th March.

Session 9: What does the Holy Spirit do ?


Saturday 9th March.

Session 10: How can I be filled 

with the Holy Spirit ?

Additional videos (not watched as a group).

E12: How can I make the most of the rest of my life?
E13: How can I resist evil?
E14: Why and how should I tell others?
Does God heal today?
E16: What about the church?